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Static Tree Data Provider

When using an uncontrolled environment, you need to provide your data by supplying a data provider. The easiest way to get started is using the Static Tree Data Provider. It allows you to provide your data as record which maps item ids to tree items, and gives you the possibility to react to changes in the tree structure, as well as inject your own changes through change events.


If you want to implement a custom data provider your own, you can find a comprehensive guide here.

The following example gives a good example of what is possible with static tree data providers. We will look into the details of the data provider below.

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Creating the data provider with data

First, create the data provider. You want to make sure it isn't recreated on re-renders, so memoize it in the component in which it is defined.

const dataProvider = useMemo(
() =>
new StaticTreeDataProvider(items, (item, data) => ({

The items is a record mapping item ids to tree items, for example:

const items = [
index: "item-id",
data: { arbitraryData: 123, name: "Hello" },
children: ["item-id-1", "item-id-2"],
isFolder: true

Note that, whatever you provide to the getItemTitle prop is used to infer the item display name.

getItemTitle={item =>}

Apply changes from outside

You can apply changes to the underlying data source. Just make sure to let RCT know about that by emitting a change event on the affected items. Note that, if you add or remove items, the affected item is the parent item, not the added or removed items.

const injectItem = () => {
const rand = `${Math.random()}`;
items[rand] = { data: 'New Item', index: rand };

const removeItem = () => {
if (items.root.children.length === 0) return;

Reacting to Drag Events

Drag changes are always immediately applied to the visualization, so make sure to implement the canDropAt prop to customize if that should not work in all cases. The static tree data emits tree change events similar to the ones you would emit when applying changes from outside, so you can react to them in the same way.

dataProvider.onDidChangeTreeData(changedItemIds => {

Reacting to Rename Events

The second (optional) parameter of the static tree data provider lets you react to rename events. Note that you can customize whether renaming is possible in the first place through the canRename prop.

const dataProvider = new StaticTreeDataProvider(items, (item, newName) => {
// Return the patched item with new item name here
return {
data: {, name: newName },